Monday, May 13, 2013


The saline taste lingers on
her lips mometarily like a promise,
Uttered in the warmth of
a passionate embrace.
The saline taste lingers on
her lips momentarily as
she becomes someone else.
the nights, and the stars,
The rain and the cars,
The smiles and the tears,
The hopes and the fears,
the laughter and the silence,
The peace and the violence,
Remanents of her past,
Speak gently to her in silence,
The suble shape of a smile,
forms on the corner of her lips.
Is a forgotten kiss truly forgotten,
Is it a corpse dead and buried,
Or is it akin to a memory,
forever floating on the sea,
As the waves of lust,
drowns Feroze that night,
The stillborn memory of a kiss,
Is brought back again to life.

The Weaver

Step out to the outer edges of comfort,
Scream loud till the back of your throat burns,
Run till the throbbing of your heart becomes,
A thumping that is continuous like a horse's gait.

Cast out (loudly) the fears and tears,
That plague your rotten heart,
Cast out the ghosts and the demons,
That whisper gently in the dark...
Awaken the corpses of broken dreams,
Chisel away at the stone that is your soul,

Blame not the annals of a prewritten fate,
The ink was forever in your hands.

Fate is merely  a few threads of cotton,
thrown into a blind weavers hands,
Weave O blind one Weave,
Weave with the colors of the rainbow,
Drench it in the tears of the stars...